At Vera we do not test on animals by law, but also by conviction
Every year millions of animals around the world die as a result of animal experimentation. This cruel and brutal practice has been carried out around the world since the 1940s and its objective is to verify the safety of a cosmetic or ingredient for the consumer's health. But this method, in addition to being ruthless, is -now we know- avoidable.
In order to put an end to this barbarity, since the 1980s different institutions (including UNESCO) began to work to find alternative and reliable ways to test cosmetics before they were put on the market and based on them, to forge a regulatory framework that would put an end to such a terrible practice.
Today, a large part of the world's countries prohibit animal experimentation and companies that wish to operate in them must abide by the law and sell their products guaranteeing that they have been manufactured without having been tested on animals.
Europe doesn't test
Animal testing occurs in different areas of the planet, but not in Europe. In 2013 the Directive finally became effective 2003/15/CE of the European Union, in which the prohibition of manufacturing and selling cosmetic products on European soil is clearly expressed. The struggle of so many years by organizations and institutions had finally paid off and we could rest easy. Animal welfare in Europe was assured.
It is true that the Directive has certain legal loopholes that brands can take advantage of, but it is unusual for them to do so. In general, no brand that operates on European soil can test on animals to sell their products
So does it make sense to define yourself as cruelty-free?
If you are a brand that sells its cosmetics on European soil, a priori no.
It would be like saying that the clouds are white or that we breathe oxygen. In addition to being obvious, it is not well seen to call yourself cruelty-free because you may implicitly be suggesting that the competition does test , which is not true (if it operates on European soil).
However, if you do not say so, you can leave room for doubt as to whether you could be selling your brand in markets where testing is mandatory. Because, okay, it is not tested on animals on European soil. But what happens when a brand complies with the law here and does not test, but its subsidiary in China does so because the regulations of the Asian giant require it? The controversy is served.
At Vera we do not test on animals
In our case, we have had mixed feelings when it comes to claiming ourselves as cruelty-free. On the one hand, it can be redundant in the best of cases, and controversial in others since it can imply that the brand next to it does test. But on the other, we owe it to our audience and our values and therefore we must make our position against any form of animal abuse or exploitation very clear.
So we have come to the conclusion that it is best to simply explain what we are and why we are.
In other words, we follow the recommendations of Stanpa (National Association of Perfumery and Cosmetics) and many other organizations not to claim the term cruelty-free because it can be misleading and lead to confusion. However, we do clearly explain in our values that we do not test on animals solely by law, but by conviction .
We do not test on animals, like any brand that markets in the European Union. But we wouldn't do it either if it went legal . Under any concept. Nor would we sell in any market where the only way to sell in it was through animal testing.
It is something that goes far beyond complying with the law. We have a deep respect for nature, animals and people, which is why our actions and products are focused on protecting and caring for our planet and those who inhabit it .
The subject of animal experimentation is complex and controversial, full of nuances and areas with chiaroscuro. We would love to know your opinion about it. Leave us a comment!
Estoy totalmente en contra del maltrato animal, para cualquier fin, sea testar cosméticos o diversión de las personas, jamás compraría nada que haya hecho sufrir a un animal, gracias por reivindicar el “cruelty free”.
¡Muchas gracias por vuestras palabras! Para nosotras el bienestar animal es muy importante, estamos totalmente convencidas de ello y por eso somos cruelty free. ♥
Vera and the Birds
Pues a mí me parece importante reivindicar el ‘cruelty free’ porque como bien comentáis hay ciertos vacíos legales y determinadas marcas venden en otros países donde si testan. A mi no me sirve de nada comprar un producto de x marca que no ha sido testado en Europa pero que luego, para poder venderse en China, sí hagan este tipo de pruebas. Además, en ese tipo de cosas se ve la implicación de la marca con el bienestar y protección animal.
Dicho esto, me alegra que seáis cruelty free aunque no lo anunciéis. :)
Gràcies per cuidar i voler als animals
Isabel Boigues moncho
Me ha encantado el post. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con vosotras.
Lidia Ruiz Sepúlveda
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