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Innards, head and heart. free downloadable sheet


Innards, head and heart. You don't need anything else in life.

Print this poster, put a nice frame on it, and hang it where you can see it every day. Because even if the day after tomorrow is Women's Day, those words have to accompany you every day of your life.


download it here

Downloading this sheet is very simple. Just click on this link , put your mouse over the image, right-click and select 'Save image as'. normally it will be saved in "Downloads", from there you can print it without problem.

Innards, head and heart

Bowels. To follow your instinct always; to muster the courage to say 'No'; to dare to pursue your dreams.

Head. To relativize when the stones on the road make you stumble and to always maintain serenity.

Heart. To love without measure and without condition. To you, the first (without self-love, there can be no other kind of love); and later and with the same force, to the rest of the world. Heart also to practice gratitude on a daily basis, because a heart that says 'Thank you' is a heart that leaves (almost) no room for pain or resentment.

You can download the sheet for free from this link or by placing the mouse over the image below and pressing the right button



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